Mobile App Development

Why is Flutter Gaining Popularity?

It has Google’s support and offers multiple benefits, including high performance, lesser coding, and access to an extensive community. It is one of the top four mobile app development frameworks, and its apps have 10-12 billion downloads! 

Yes, readers, we’re talking about Flutter, a cross-platform application development framework! Flutter was introduced by none other than Google. It created a buzz among developers ever since it saw the light of launch in 2018. But what makes Flutter so popular? Let’s find it out in this blog that highlights six reasons.

7 Reasons Flutter is Popular for Cross-Platform Application Development

Here are seven vital reasons that constitute Flutter’s popularity.

cross platform app development

1. Dart Programming

Flutter uses the Dart programming language compiled into native code, thus referring to a crucial performance benefit. With Flutter, developers can build applications in about two to three weeks with a single project. Thus, Flutter saves a lot of development time. Additionally, Flutter’s silver layout model helps scroll other tasks quickly. 

2. Cross-Platform App Development

Another of the most significant reasons why Flutter quickly proliferated across the technology space is its capability to develop cross-platform applications. While ensuring quality, Flutter offers near-native experiences. Thus, developers don’t have to develop separate applications for different platforms. Besides, it offers various widgets that make Flutter an apt alternative for developing cross-platform applications. 

3. Open-Source Community

In only four years of its launch, Flutter has developed an extensive open-source community of developers. So, as a company, no worries, even if you are new to Flutter. You can seek help from Flutter developers worldwide or hire a Flutter app development company. The latter is always beneficial, as you will get prompt and accurate technical responses relevant to your context.

4. Easy to Use

Another reason many developers and companies prefer using Flutter is that it is easy to use. The programming language has widgets that enable developers to see the code in a readable format. They are intuitive as they allow developers to see the code immediately, thus saving time on UI factors. That also makes Flutter easy to maintain. 

Besides, since Flutter enables cross-platform development, you can have a single application and operate across the iOS and Android platforms. That refers to tapping into the traffic and prospects from both these platforms at a single development cost! 

5. Single Codebase

That’s pretty much the next point. Since Flutter supports iOS and Android, developers can use a single codebase to create mobile applications on both platforms. Flutter also allows developers to create customized widgets and designs that help uniformize the application’s appearance across multiple platforms. So, with Flutter, you will deliver a consistent user experience, no matter the platform your user uses. 

6. MVP and Startup-Friendly

As a startup, you would want to test your idea via an MVP or a prototype to know whether it will work or not. However, developing an MVP often takes time, thus fizzling out the steam of your idea. But Flutter can help you do it relatively quickly, allowing you to develop an MVP with fewer complications and minimum cost.

7. Fewer Tests

While using native components, you will have to run the same test for all the platforms. But with Flutter’s single codebase, the number of tests you perform reduces by about 50 percent, thus saving time, effort, and costs involved in conducting tests multiple times.

Flutter’s exponential growth and popularity, along with its benefits, make it a preferred cross-platform application development. You’ve already seen that. So, if you also are looking to develop Flutter applications, you have Techcedence at your service.

We are a leading Flutter mobile app development company. Our unmatched expertise and experience in developing robust, scalable, and custom cross-platform applications make us a Flutter app development company you can bank upon. Write to us at to connect with our Flutter consultants and experts.


Why DevSecOps is the Need of the Hour?

DevOps blurs the lines between development and operations. It blends both these aspects to help companies deliver software applications better and quicker. In 2021, over 80 percent of IT decision-makers implemented DevOps to tap a higher business value!

But like every other technology and approach, DevOps also has its story of evolution to tell. DevSecOps, the evolved form of DevOps, is precisely what we are referring to here.

Earlier, usually, development used to be almost every company’s prime focus. Security was often an afterthought. But ever-evolving and rising security concerns encouraged DevOps to evolve into DevSecOps, a much better approach to software development. Experts look at DevSecOps as the need of the hour. Let’s examine a few reasons.

What is DevSecOps?

DevSecOps is development, security, and operations. It is an approach that introduces security earlier in the software development lifecycle (SDLC). In addition, it broadens the collaboration between the development and operations teams to integrate security teams in the software development lifecycle. 

DevSecOps demands a change in the process, tools, and culture across the cure verticals and makes security a shared onus. Thus, every element of the SDLC plays a role in building security in the DevOps CI/CD workflow.

While this is understood and signifies the importance of DevSecOps in the current context, let’s delve into a few reasons that make DevSecOps the need of the hour.

5 Reasons DevSecOps is Crucial to Your Business

Reasons DevSecOps is Crucial to Your Business

Fundamentally, DevSecOps introduces the security aspect from the initial stages of the software development process. But in addition to it, it has various other benefits that make this approach significant. Let’s assess those facets.

1. Shortened Development Cycle

The conventional software development approach involves development, operations, and security teams working separately. Every team in the sequence has to wait for the previous team to finish its task and start its job.

Working with such an approach could delay product development and release. Besides, defects in the product take it back into the cycle, thus requiring even more time, effort, and cost to develop and release. Let alone the product’s quality that suffers!

But DevSecOps integrates all these teams that work collaboratively and simultaneously. It helps cut short the development cycle, as the product is developed, tested, and rectified at the same time. The result is a better, quicker, and more secure product.

2. Increased Proactiveness

DevSecOps refers to a proactive approach, as it has all three core teams working collaboratively and simultaneously. So, while the development team continues developing, the testing unit ensures frequent testing and detection of security vulnerabilities while the development is in progress. Rectification happens immediately after the fault is detected. Nothing is kept to deal with it at a later stage, especially security, dealing with the gaps which would later become herculean!

3. Reduced Development Cost

Imagine discovering a critical security defect (which initially went unnoticed or left unattended) after the product’s launch! Rectifying it could double the development cost, especially if it requires significant architectural changes. 

But DevSecOps takes care of all these aspects from the initial stages. While it takes an expert to integrate this approach, it is way more prudent investing in experts rather than resources you might have to employ later to cover things up. In a nutshell, DevSecOps reduces the overall development cost.

4. Increased Flexibility and Adaptivity

DevSecOps embeds security into the design and development process. Hence, while ensuring enhanced and stronger security, this fundamental approach allows for better flexibility in handling sudden changes. It is also because DevOps involves rolling out the development process in smaller chunks, to which continuous testing is integral. Thus, the team can make changes without reinventing the wheel.

5. Automation

DevSecOps can help companies automate various security protocols, thus increasing the efficiency and operational pace of the project’s security team. Thus, they can focus on more strategically and technically more complicated tasks. 

Integrate DevSecOps seamlessly with Techcedence. Our software development expertise and the ability to drive results via contemporary approaches can help you leverage the benefits of DevSecOps and develop better software products. 

Our team of consultants, developers, testers, and project specialists collaborate to comprehend your needs and use the DevSecOps approach to achieve high speed, quality, security, flexibility, and adaptability levels. Connect with us at to interact with our experts.


7 Tried, and True Methods for Reducing Software Development Costs While Maintaining Quality

Software development, especially custom software, could become an expensive affair, considering the various unique elements involved. The more specific you get in terms of resources and technologies, the higher the software development costs. 

Now you know you need a custom software solution. You cannot help that. But on the other hand, you cannot let the development cost blow out of proportion either! Besides, you have quality as an aspect to combat!

So, how do you control software development costs, especially while maintaining the desired levels of quality? Here are seven tested and proven ways.

1. Proper Planning Before Budgeting!

Do you budget a journey first and then plan it? Of course, not! You wouldn’t know what elements to involve in the budget if you do not have a plan in place. 

Software development also resembles a journey wherein you first put up a proper plan in place and then take up the budgeting aspect. The right way of doing it is to gather all the stakeholders and take valuable inputs concerning the software development plan, objectives, and the returns you expect from the venture.

You can have a software development consultant by your side, with whom you can coordinate while preparing the plan and the budget.

The consultant can help you categorize every aspect and prepare the cost estimate so that you can dedicate a particular monetary sum to each while keeping some buffer to accommodate unforeseen costs.

2. Choose the Right Development Approach

Right Development Approach

Software development has evolved significantly over the years. A crucial part of its evolution is the various development approaches. The most popular and highly cost-effective among these is the Agile methodology.

Agile is an iterative approach to software development. It enables the teams to deliver better and quicker value to their customers with fewer hassles to resolve. The approach involves creating smaller goals and delivering them instead of relying on the big launch. 

Agile development also includes continuous evaluation of plans, requirements, and results so that nothing comes in as an unpleasant surprise at the last moment. 

In other words, you exercise better control over the development part while controlling costs and maintaining quality.

3. Release an MVP

An MVP, as you may already know, is a Minimum Viability Product. It is representative of the actual product with fewer features and functionalities good enough to help you generate and receive target user feedback and response.

Building an MVP helps immensely. It helps you gather real-time user sentiment and enables you to identify areas that require changes, improvements, etc. The launch becomes much more informed with an MVP insight on hand. 

After all, you want your software to resonate with your users, who could be your employees, clients, etc. An MVP helps you save a considerable amount of costs otherwise incurred in making changes or redevelopment after the launch.

4. Choose Features Wisely

Out there, there’s so much to look at and use. Features aren’t an exception. Software development has progressed to the extent that software development companies can develop and integrate almost any feature their client wants. 

But here, what matters is what you and your users need in terms of features and functionalities. The more feature-rich your software application, the more expensive it gets. Thus, the key is to identify what you need during the initial stage. 

You might launch with a particular set of features and functionalities and then add or remove them per user needs, feedback, and evolving requirements. It will help you control costs while ensuring you deliver precisely what is required.

5. Select the Optimal Technology Stack

Optimal Technology Stack

When it comes to software development costs, technology plays a role equally decisive as features and functionalities. Thus, you should choose the right technologies with an expert and experienced software consultant by your side. 

The more popular the technology, the easier it is to find its developers and community support. But don’t let popularity alone drive your decision. Evaluate every technology to understand if it will serve your purpose or not. 

6. Include Quality Testing from the Early Stages

Every error found in the software application will cost you money. But imagine a bug is identified after the application has launched! The result is a huge amount of costs involved in resolving it. One secure approach to prevent such situations is to include quality from the early stages and keep it a part of the development process.

7. Outsource Software Development

Outsource Software Development

Outsourcing software development to a software development company benefits you in various ways. It saves efforts in building an in-house team and reduces overall project costs, as salaries, employee benefits, and infrastructural costs are the outsourcing company’s onus. But simultaneously, outsourcing allows you to broaden your talent access. You can have more experienced developers and testers onboard while restricting your role to reviewing the project progress and results. Thus, outsourcing helps ensure quality and, at the same time, cost-effectiveness.

Build cost-effective yet superior quality, scalable and robust custom software applications for your business domains with Techcedence. Our team of consultants, developers, testers, and other vital members help you make the right choices, execute your project on time, ensure product quality and help control cost across every stage.

We offer various engagement models to let you choose the best-suited from the cost, project control, and product quality perspective. Email us at to learn more about our software development capabilities.

Mobile App Development

Benefits of Building Cloud-Native Applications

Cloud’s growing. And so are cloud-native applications. Per reports, well over 70 percent of companies focus on developing cloud-native applications. Furthermore, by 2025, about 94-96 percent of new digital workloads will go on cloud-native apps – a number that will be up from nearly 28-30 percent in 2021! Of course, every company has reasons to join the cloud-native wagon. So, let’s look at five reasons why building cloud-native applications should be on your agenda.

5 Benefits of Cloud-Native Applications

Here’s why you must build cloud-native applications.

1. Quicker Releases

Accelerated app development and faster app releases are two vital factors that drive a company’s success amid competition. The quicker, the better. Contemporary DevOps involves automating the software delivery process. From build to deployment, automation helps transform the software delivery pipeline and quicken it.

Modern cloud-native application development supports DevOps. It enables companies to introduce and integrate automation across the app development process, thus resulting in quicker development, deployment, and release.

2. Effortless Management

Going cloud-native allows access to various options that simplify infrastructure management. Thanks to serverless platforms like AWS Lambda and Azure Functions. They allow companies to upload the code in the form of functions and run the functions. Thus, companies don’t have to provide cloud instances, configure networking or confront the complexities of assigning adequate storage. 

3. Reduced Costs

Reduced Cost

The problem with monolithic architecture was they restricted companies to fixed resources they used to pay for. And this was irrespective of their involvement in the software development process. The result was a more extensive and costlier process with backup and maintenance as extra services.

But that’s not the case with cloud-native applications with solutions designed to operate on the cloud. Their cloud compatibilities help reduce backup, maintenance, and deployment costs while optimizing resource use. Open-source systems like serverless systems with a pay-per-use approach help companies save costs significantly. 

4. No Vendor Lock-Ins!

Remember those days when legacy vendors used to issue a three-year locked-in licensing proprietary hardware? Companies that have lived with these challenges will surely relate to it. But open-source and cloud technologies have made multi- and hybrid-cloud the prudent choice. Using cloud-native avoid vendor lock-in by enabling companies to use services offered by various cloud providers. Since they dedicatedly work on the cloud, you can switch to a more reasonable and beneficial cloud package. 

5. Enhanced User Experiences

Enhanced User Experiences

Adopting cloud-specific development throughout fosters seamless connections between applications and contributes to better customer experiences. Besides, the cloud native places customers at the helm. With the various tools that focus on feedback and the deployment cycle, cloud-native solutions help modify the development cycle. Thus, they focus on making the customer experience way better than their traditional counterparts. 

Going cloud-native isn’t the need of the hour but that of the future! Techcedence can help you be part of the future with outstanding, robust, scalable, and performant cloud applications. Our customized cloud-native applications help companies enhance user experience while reducing costs and streamlining business operations. We are here to help you leverage technology and succeed. Please write to us at to let us help you unleash the secret to cloud success.

Mobile App Development

Native App Development vs Hybrid App Development: What to pick in 2023?

Are you about to develop an application but stuck between the choice of native app and hybrid app development? At the outset, it can help you know the difference between these app development approaches. So, let’s look at the differences between native application development vs hybrid application development.

What are Native Applications?

Native applications are smartphone apps. Examples include Kotlin and Java for Android and Swift for iOS. Some advantages of native applications include the following.

  • Easy to download from an app store and install on the device
  • You can access these apps via the icon on your mobile phone screen
  • These apps can work offline via your device’s notification system
  • They can take advantage of your mobile’s GPS, contacts list, camera, etc.

But on the other hand, native apps also come with a few disadvantages. For instance, these apps are developed for a single platform. Hence, they cannot run on another one. In addition, it takes a significant budget to build and maintain these applications.

What are Hybrid Applications?

Hybrid apps combine native and web apps. They run offline on the device and are written with CSS and HTML5. These apps help render the current content on the website in an app format. You can access them from a web browser and download them from an app store. Some advantages of hybrid applications include the following.

  • These apps have a single codebase. Hence, they can work on multiple platforms.
  • It is relatively straightforward to develop and maintain hybrid apps
  • The development cost also is lesser than native apps

Their disadvantages include the need for a seamless internet connection and a speed slower than native applications. Let’s now look at some aspects of native app development and hybrid application development to identify the right choice.

Native App Development vs Hybrid App Development – Differences

Native App Development vs Hybrid App Development

Native App Development vs Hybrid App Development – What to Choose?

So, between native app development and hybrid app development, which approach wins? You cannot declare one the winner and consider the other the loser. Choosing one among both depends on various factors. The most crucial one is the cost!

If your budget is limited, you should go for hybrid app development. But if you have the wherewithal and want to deliver an incredible user experience with a separate app for various platforms, you can leverage the advantages of native app development. Besides, native apps are more technically enriched and quicker. So, if user experience matters to you more than anything else, you should prefer native app development.

Choose the Right App Development Approach with Techcedence – Leading Mobile App Development

If you still need clarification and want a specific answer for your context, connect with Techcedence. While our expert consultants can help you choose the right approach, our developers can develop the most efficient native and hybrid apps for your business. Our tested and proven capabilities and a solid mobile app development portfolio can help you reap optimal RoI for your mobile app development investments.

We are here to help you develop incredible native and hybrid applications customized to your business. Please write to us at to know more.

Mobile App Development

Top 5 Trends for Reducing Mobile App Development Costs

Money saved is money earned! Of course, every entrepreneur knows that. But every digital element added to your ecosystem contributes to a significant increase in the operational costs of your business. Mobile apps that are part of a company’s digital infrastructure are a necessity these days. However, many business owners confront high development costs contributing to the overall operational budget.

Per reports, the development aspect of a mobile application alone constitutes around 30-35 percent of the total development budget. Let alone maintenance, annual legacy costs, and several hidden costs that further add once the app is operational. 

But that surely doesn’t mean you live with high mobile app development costs and hamper profitability. As a mobile app development company, we’ve identified five trends that can help you reduce your mobile app development costs considerably.

1. Cross-Platform Development

It is a no-brainer that developing a separate application for Android, iOS, and Windows will cost you more. But developing an application for each of these platforms is essential to tap users across every operating system. 

An effective way of making your app compatible with all these operating systems while ensuring cost savings is cross-platform development. Cross-platform development works with highly reusable code. You can use the app’s business logic several times by writing it only once and using it on various platforms like iOS, Android, and Windows. 

Besides, by choosing a team with cross-platform capabilities, you can save time, effort, and money otherwise incurred in resources with single-platform skills.

2. Agile Methodology

Agile has quickly gained popularity and has become an integral part of mobile app development. Agile project management offers benefits like budget control and rapid development and enables you to divide your project into various parts. 

You can further classify those parts as tasks, sub-tasks, and modules, thus making app development more straightforward and effective to handle. Not to forget, the agile development approach also results in lesser rework, which helps control project costs and enhance product quality, potentially leading to a higher RoI.

3. MVP Approach

MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is another useful strategy that helps companies determine their mobile application’s market potential and response. Developing an MVP incurs some costs for sure. But considering the valuable real-time user response and feedback an MVP provides, it is worth investing in developing one. 

Developing an MVP enables you, as the mobile app’s owner, to develop precisely what your target audience requires. Thus, you don’t spend time and money trying and erring. Besides, it helps you make an informed entry into the market and increase RoI.

4. Continuous Testing

Testing after completing the development part is a conventional approach. Some errors and mistakes could be significant enough to require a complete redesign or rework. The result increased development costs and time lost in reinventing the wheel. Thanks to new approaches that allow continuous testing.

Continuous testing allows you to fix bugs as the application shapes. It helps avoid humongous rework and the costs that follow it. That surely helps save a significant amount of money, time, and effort.

5. Outsourcing Mobile App Development

This can be the most cost-effective strategy, provided you choose a trustworthy and experienced mobile app development company. Outsourcing helps you save costs associated with various aspects like hiring resources, nurturing full-time resources, and paying their salaries and employee administration costs, infrastructural costs, etc. 

Outsourcing allows you to focus on your core business and saves time otherwise spent in micromanaging the various phases of mobile app development.

Build Seamless, Competent, and Cost-Effective Mobile Apps with Techcedence!

Outsource mobile app development to Techcedence! We are an experienced and reliable mobile app development company with a global and diverse mobile app development portfolio. We employ the best and the most cost-effective mobile app development practices to help our clients control the development costs, however, without compromising the mobile app’s quality and launch commitment.

Please contact us at and discuss your mobile app development needs with our experts. We’d be glad to be your mobile app development partner.

Outsourcing and Offshoring

How to Come Up with an Effective IT Outsourcing Strategy for Your Business

Many companies consider outsourcing an effective strategy to manage their ever-growing and evolving IT landscape. And, it isn’t for no reason that they look up to outsourcing. IT outsourcing can help companies save up to 35-40 percent of their overall annual IT costs when planned and executed meticulously. That translates to millions of dollars retained and increased profitability in the long run!

But IT outsourcing isn’t as straightforward as it may appear. It isn’t a tactical move but a strategy that requires a thoughtful approach and the time and effort spent in pre-planning and identifying what matters. If you’ve decided to outsource IT services to an IT outsourcing company, ensure you plan the strategy well and make decisions that deliver tangible results. Here are some guidelines that can help.

5 Guidelines to Create a Useful IT Outsourcing Strategy

Here are some elements to factor in while devising an IT outsourcing strategy.

  1. Identify What and When to Outsource

When it comes to IT outsourcing, you don’t have to outsource anything and everything necessary. Some aspects of your IT infrastructure could be very well managed in-house, and you wouldn’t have to outsource them. Accordingly, assess your existing capabilities, infrastructure, challenges, pain points, unrealized financial losses, etc., to know which all aspects of your IT infrastructure to outsource. It will help you precisely outsource only where you need external help and retain the rest with yourself.

Now, when should you outsource IT functions? You could feel the need to do it on various occasions. For instance, you may outsource it when managing IT in-house is stressing your full-time resources, when the in-house IT management costs have blown out of proportion and taking a toll on your profitability, when you want to focus on the other equally crucial aspects like expansion, scalability, collaborations, etc. 

  1. Define Your Outsourcing Goals

Saving IT costs isn’t the only reason companies outsource. There could be many other goals that could drive the decision. Some other purposes could be establishing new services to bring in new clients, expanding current services to retain the existing ones, onboarding better technologies, achieving IT excellence, and ensuring IT compliance. 

Once you identify your actual outsourcing goals, identify the measurable goals. The more defined your goals, the better your outsourcing choices and strategy. 

  1. Understand Outsourcing Risks

Outsourcing is a globally tested and proven strategy. But it carries some potential risks, which you, as the company looking to outsource IT services, should know. Some possible ones could include inexperienced and inadequate staff managing your IT infrastructure, a poor or unresponsive support team, various hidden fees that could add to the outsourcing costs, compromised security, non-compliance, etc.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t outsource IT. It refers to being more careful and addressing these concerns before you sign the final documents. Planning SLAs carefully and ensuring the proper measures, penalties, and strict control over the outsourcing project is necessary while handing over your IT operations to an external team. Thus, you must choose a reliable, credible, and proven IT outsourcing company.

  1. Evaluate the Various Outsourcing Engagement Models

Over the years, outsourcing has evolved significantly to let multiple outsourcing engagement models emerge. You can leverage these models to achieve your outsourcing objectives. Some engagement models include the following.

  • Staff Augmentation: Recruiting external resources and looking after specific IT tasks while following your instructions and SLA clauses.
  • Dedicated Team: Hiring external people to extend the capacity of your in-house team. It refers to complete outsourcing without any in-house intervention. 
  • Project-Based Model: Outsourcing companies exercise complete control over a particular project from its beginning to completion.

Your prospective IT outsourcing company should decipher your needs and objectives and help you choose the suitable outsourcing model.

  1. Weigh Your Existing IT Management Against Outsourcing Costs

Outsourcing is considered a cost-effective strategy. But not always! At times, the various fees and factors involved in outsourcing could make it costlier than insourcing. To avoid letting that happen and stay alert about it, you must have a comprehensive report and breakup of your in-house IT management costs. 

Once you have that, you can ask for a detailed outsourcing cost breakdown of various outsourcing models and identify what’s more commercially viable.

Are you looking to outsource your IT functions? Partner with Techcedence. We are an IT outsourcing company of global repute and track record. While offering end-to-end IT outsourcing, we can also help you with consulting solutions that enable you to make informed and commercially more beneficial outsourcing decisions. Please write to us at Our experts will connect with you to take things ahead.

Hire Our Resources

Hiring Dedicated .NET Developers in 2023: Steps, Benefits and Challenges

Are you looking to hire .NET developers in 2023? Well, you have approximately six million of them worldwide! But hiring those suited to your project and business requirements could seem arduous, as it may involve several challenges. So, how do you hire a team of dedicated .NET developers aligned with your needs? The steps discussed in this blog can help you make the right and informed choice.

What do .NET Developers do?

A .NET developer designs and creates applications with Microsoft’s .NET platform. In addition, they participate in various other crucial tasks like deploying, maintaining, backend services, web-based APIs, etc. But along with these tactical skills, .NET developers continuously interact with the project’s stakeholders, evaluate the application’s performance, and build patches to resolve technical issues.

Challenges Involved in Hiring Dedicated .NET Developers

Let’s look at potential challenges you may face while hiring .NET developers.

  • Confined Talent Access

Many companies have limited access to talent pools. They cannot look beyond a particular group of resources and tend to hire those available within it. Limiting your access could hamper your project, especially if you don’t have the talent you need within a particular talent pool. The key is to augment your access and look at broader talent sets available on the market.

  • Falling for Meager Salary Demands

Often, companies are tight on the development budget bit. Hence, they look for .NET developers with fewer years of experience and lesser salary demands. But that could work against them. Of course, they’ll save some money, but the outcome may suffer! 

  • Lack of Dedication

This is another significant challenge and could be a concern, especially with freelancers who work on multiple projects. It could be luring to save money on hiring in-house resources. But project timelines and product quality are equally important. 

As a solution, companies must prefer hiring dedicated .NET developers from .NET development companies with an abundant positive reputation.

  • Cultural Misfits

Culture, as a hiring aspect, is either ignored or kept aside as an afterthought. But ideally, that shouldn’t be the case. Technical skills matter. But what if a particular developer doesn’t fit well within the company and impedes the project directly and indirectly?

Agreed, there’s always some element of cultural risk involved in hiring resources. But a thorough evaluation and thoughtfully designed interview rounds could mitigate the risk. 

Benefits of Hiring Dedicated .NET Developers

Why should you emphasize hiring .NET developers? Here are some reasons.

  • Dedicated Availability

Dedicated developers obviously refer to full-time availability. You do not have to chase the developers for an update or to get something done. The team remains at your disposal during the project hours, thus offering you peace of mind. 

  • Speedier Development and Better quality

When your team of .NET developers dedicatedly works on your project, you can complete the development part relatively quickly and deliver better quality. It could also help reduce your time to market, enabling you to launch your application on time. 

  • End-to-End Project Management

With a steadfast development team on your side, you can enjoy end-to-end project management from the same set of resources. You don’t have to run around or look for a separate team for various aspects of the project. 

How to Hire .NET Developers in 2023?

So, how do you hire .NET developers in 2023? Frankly, it involves some efforts in vetting the team on aspects that include but shouldn’t be limited to the following.

hire .net developers
  • Technical Skills

.NET developers should possess an extensive set of technical skills that include ASP.NET MVC, coding, proficiency in HTML, JavaScript, CSS, etc., programming languages like F#, VB.NET and C#, and databases like NoSQL and Oracle. In addition, soft skills like team-playing abilities, communication, time management, problem-solving approach, etc., also matter when choosing devoted .NET developers for app development.

  • Time Availability

Time availability is another significant concern. You must check the number of hours throughout the day that the team can dedicate to your project. Hiring .NET developers with full-time availability is more prudent. It incurs extra costs. But it is worth paying the extra resource fees, considering benefits like speed and constant communication.

  • Cost Per Resource

Don’t let this factor solely drive your decision. But ensure you compare the cost per resource offered by various .NET development companies. While not necessarily going for the lowest, weigh the cost against the talent set and the potential value to make a choice that lets you strike the right balance between budget and value.

  • Working Model (Remote or Onsite)

Having resources on site refers to better project control. But if you do not have enough space to accommodate the team, you may check if the .NET development company also offers a hybrid or completely remote working model. It will help you save a lot of costs. But it will also demand strict communication protocols and dedicated project control. 

  • Development Portfolio

Inspect the professional portfolio of the development team. It will help you understand the .NET developers’ potential, assess their capabilities and compute the value they can bring to your table. In addition, evaluating the developers on the aforementioned soft skills should also be part of your assessment process.

Techcedence Simplifies Hiring .NET Developers!

Hire the most dedicated and the best .NET developers through Techcedence! We boast an extensive talent pool of certified and seasoned .NET developers with expertise in developing websites and apps for multiple business domains which suit your project needs and evaluation criteria. Write to us at to know more.

Mobile App Development

How to Hire a Mobile App Development Company in the USA?

You know why mobile applications are crucial for your business. That’s precisely why you are looking to develop one and searching for a mobile app development company in the US. Global accessibility, expedited sales process, increased user engagement, and augmented business revenue are a few known benefits. 

But while acknowledging the importance of mobile apps, you must also look for a credible mobile app development company. So, how do you hire one? From the east to the west coast, you will find thousands of mobile app development companies. It could be overwhelming dealing with as many options. So, here are some factors to look at while hiring a mobile app development company in the USA.

5 Factors to Consider While Hiring a Mobile App Development Company in the US

Vendors and partners also play a significant role in your business’s success. Thus, for something as vital as a mobile app, assess a company on the below factors.

1. Mobile App Development Services

There’s no set criterion or benchmark for mobile app development services in the US. The more, the better. But fundamentally, every mobile app development company should have services including iOS app development, Android app development, native app development, cross-platform app development, PWA app development, IoT app development, etc. In addition, services like mobile app maintenance and upgrades are desirable to serve as a one-stop destination. 

2. Technical and Customization Capabilities

Technical capabilities include assessing the company’s technology stack, proven proficiencies in using various technologies, the ability to customize the mobile app, and the capabilities to modify features and functionalities beyond the project’s scope. 

Some technologies, from the viewpoint of efficient and effective mobile app development, include Java, Xamarin, Swift, iOS, Android, Ionic, Flutter, Kotlin, Python, etc. Additionally, also review the company’s app development methodologies. A few include Agile, Scrum, Kanban, and Waterfall.

3. Mobile App Development Process

For you, as the mobile app’s user, results will matter more than anything else. But you cannot ignore the process either. It is because the mobile app’s process significantly drives its results and success. Usually, every mobile app development company has five to six key phases that include conceptualizing (brainstorming), strategy making, analyzing the project’s needs, planning, designing, developing, testing, and launching.

There could be variations to varying degrees. But in a nutshell, it is these process that mobile app companies generally follow to deliver results.

4. Communication Protocols and Exit Options

Having merely technical experts doesn’t help. You need professionals capable of driving the project. Communication is an essential aspect in this regard. Accordingly, you must review the communication channels and protocols of the prospective mobile app development company. In addition, you should check out the company’s data security standards and practices to keep your data and project details secure.

Another essential aspect is reviewing exit options. In some unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances, if you wish to opt-out of the project or contract, exiting from the project shouldn’t impede your plans or cause a monetary roadblock. So, you must look at the project’s exit terms and conditions to check they don’t prove a challenge for you later.

Honesty and transparency are crucial to entering and exiting a particular contract. These factors should form part of your criteria for selecting a mobile app development company. 

5. Portfolio and Customer Feedback

A company’s portfolio speaks for its capabilities and experience. Make it a point to check it. Have your team review the various mobile apps the prospective vendor has developed. It will help you understand their competencies and verify if they are substantial enough to be considered for a choice.

While assessing the company’s real-time capabilities via its portfolio, check customer feedback. Don’t merely depend on online reviews and ratings. Connect with the company’s past and existing customers to know as much as possible about the company’s merits and demerits. It will help you discuss problems before they surface and be in a better position to negotiate.

Avoid companies hesitant to share the contact details of their clients. Genuine companies shouldn’t have any problem doing it, no matter the client feedback.

Build Impeccable Mobile Applications with Techcedence – One of the Most Trusted Mobile App Development Companies in the USA

Together, the complexities involved in mobile app development and the latter’s importance in every business make your choice of a mobile app development company crucial. Partner with Techcedence. We are a credible, experienced mobile app development company in the USA with extensive technical and customization capabilities. 

At Techcedence with our office in Coimbatore, India, we blend our techno-strategic expertise to create robust, scalable, feature-rich, and engaging mobile apps that deliver optimal results. Click to connect with us and evaluate us thoroughly on various parameters to establish our suitability in your case. We will be glad to be your mobile app development partner.

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Why Hire a Dedicated Development Team Rather Than Freelancers?

Many companies consider working with freelancers as they find operating more flexible and cost-effective. Of course, individual experiences and project needs matter and vary. But usually, working with freelancers poses many challenges that might not be visible initially and surface only when the project progresses.

So, what is the solution? Given the various challenges (which we will shortly see), hiring a dedicated development team is! We respect every freelancer’s skill and capacity. But what matters to companies is their investment and returns on it. In the long run, achieving them is more likely to be possible with a dedicated workforce. 

So, here are seven reasons why you must hire a dedicated development team and why doing so is a prudent idea, especially when you eye the bigger picture.

7 Reasons Partnering with a Dedicated App Development Team is More Beneficial than Working with Freelancers

Hiring a dedicated app development workforce is more advantageous than working with freelancers in the following seven ways.

1. Versatile Expertise Packed in a Single Team

The most tangible difference between working with a freelancer/s and a dedicated workforce is the availability of versatile talent. It isn’t that freelancers aren’t skilled. But to leverage diverse talent, you must handpick multiple freelancers from various sources. This could incur time, resources, and energy. But when it comes to the quick and ready availability of diverse talent, working with a dedicated team helps. You would have various skills in a single team, ready at your disposal.

2. Simplified and Quick Communication

Working with various freelancers can complicate communication. Not every freelancer will have the communication channels you use and necessarily abide by your communication protocols. This could hamper communication royally, create silos, and affect deliverables. Besides, following up with each freelancer will drain much of your productive bandwidth, thus distracting you from your key deliverables!

Here, working with a dedicated workforce belonging to a trustworthy app development company can help. The team follows a uniform communication protocol and adheres to the reporting schedules, thus enabling quick, seamless, and transparent communication across the hierarchy and project stages.

3. Better Credibility and Accountability

Finding skilled freelancers might not be as difficult. But as a single-person team, how do you gauge their market credibility? Besides, what about accountability? How do you hold an individual, especially a remote working one, accountable for their errors or acts of non-compliance? Dealing with such situations could become very challenging, especially if the person suddenly disappears from the radar!

But these challenges aren’t as much concern while working with dedicated teams, especially those provided by credible, serious, and accountable app development companies. You can get into proper legal contracts and agreements and set SLAs, adhering to which, without any deviations, will be binding for the team. You would always have a redressal authority with whom you can take up a particular concern. 

4. Authentic Technology Access and Data Security

Developing enterprise-level software demands licensed access to various technologies used during the app development process. But licensed access and versions come with a massive cost associated with them.

Freelancers cannot necessarily afford to invest as much money as much work as individuals by gathering various other freelancers. Given this, you should only opt for dedicated teams working in a formal organizational setup. However, you must not forget to verify whether the company genuinely has licensed versions and access to the required technologies. It will help avoid quality and compliance issues.

In addition, data security could be another concern while working with freelancers. You cannot expect them to have tight security measures or fences to keep security threats at bay. Most will, at the most, have a general anti-virus, the effectiveness of which will have to be gauged per the project’s needs. 

But working with an app development company that offers dedicated developers offers a solution. Such companies have robust security measures and protocols that strictly monitor data flows and help keep attackers at bay. Thus, as the client, you remain relieved of your data’s security. Nevertheless, a stringent evaluation of the company’s security measures is imperative in this case as well.

5. A Solid Supervisory Authority

Freelancer, the word itself indicates that the individual isn’t employed anywhere. Hence, they wouldn’t have supervisory authority to monitor their work and conduct. Thus, freelancers are independent and self-managed!

While this is a plus for any freelancer, it could become a challenge for the client company, as it will not have a superior authority to talk to if the need arises. In situations like these, the company will either have to stop working with the freelancer or be at their virtue to resolve problems, if any.

However, while working with dedicated teams, you will have project managers and the higher management team to address issues, if any. You will not be left alone to handle things on your own. The project team would have organized workflows and a proper escalation matrix that will contribute to supervised and controlled project operations.

6. Quicker Team Up and Down Scaling

Having a freelancing team at your disposal cannot let you have the quick scaling advantage. If you have to scale up your team, you will have to search for freelancers yourself and onboard them. But that’s not the case when you hire a dedicated development team that belong to reputed app development companies. The latter have quick and extensive access to various resource pools from where they can hire developers, testers, etc., and have them on the floor for production.

7. Certain Availability

In the case of freelancers, while some are full-time, some take up projects after office hours to earn extra income. But availability could be a problem with both.

Full-time freelancers may have other projects as well to handle. On the other hand, part-time freelancers may be available only after office hours. The latter will start working when they reach home. But by the time they start working, you will have already called the day. Thus, you will have to dedicate a person from your team to coordinate with the freelancer or handle their concerns, queries, and updates the next day. This could slow down the project’s progress!

Thus, you may go for freelancers only if your project requirement isn’t as crucial or you have enough time on hand to complete it.

For time-sensitive, complex projects with high stakes, you must work with a team of developers dedicatedly to working on your project. They will work in tandem with your team, perhaps, operate beyond your working hours (as needed), and offer a certain availability, where you will not have to deal with unanswered or disconnected calls or call back later messages!

With seven convincing reasons to hire a dedicated development team, you now know which way to go. Choose Techcedence! We are a team of diverse and talented app developers committed to delivering results and excellence. 

Our extensive expertise, experience, technology access, and flexible scaling make us a distinguished and commendable development team. In addition, our proven successful track record and ability to effortlessly deliver the most complex projects contribute to our credibility and trustworthiness in the market. 

Email us at and partner with us for seamless app development, timely project completion, and higher returns on investment.