Web App Development

Top 5 Changes in Modern Web Application Development

How is Modern Web App Development Changing?

Web application development is a highly dynamic space. Every time you look at the latest web app development trends, you’d find something new creating the buzz. Of course, the continuous evolution keeps developers on their toes. But thanks to the zest. That makes web apps more and more competent by the day for users!

User needs and demands significantly drive modern web app development. The app’s interactivity alone doesn’t suffice these days. Users demand intelligent apps that simplify their use and offer more sophisticated experiences! 

Thus, web apps require integrating technologies that meet these advanced user needs. Let’s look at five such of them trending in modern web app development.

1. VR and AR

Immersive web experiences have become more important than ever. If it isn’t engaging and immersive enough, it simply isn’t happening! 

Given the need, what could be better than AR and VR? Thus, many web applications increasingly integrate AR and VR to deliver out-of-the-world user experiences and foster more meaningful interactions.

2. Intelligent Chatbots

Human-to-human interactions could be delayed. After all, how many people can help a customer service agent chat at the same time? That precisely makes chatbots the need of the hour. But AI-driven intelligent chatbots!

AI-driven smart chatbots can interact with numerous users simultaneously, precisely answer their questions and learn with every interaction. Quicker, precise and smart responses can help enhance user service. 

3. Blockchain

With a market size of about USD 7-8 billion in 2022, approximately USD 67-69 billion by 2026, and around USD 163-164 billion by 2029, blockchain is already on its way to becoming even bigger! And we wouldn’t be surprised if it keeps growing beyond that. Of course, it is blockchain’s tangible benefits that fuel its growth.

So, what does blockchain do? It strengthens transactional security and streamlines transactions by eliminating the need for intermediaries. Further, it reduces intermediary costs and makes transactions more transparent than ever.

Web applications that frequently deal with transactions can benefit largely from the blockchain. It can make transactions more secure and efficient. 

4. Engaging Videos and Backgrounds

The way brands present their products and services matters. And to do so, nothing is as interactive and interesting as a video.

Thus, web applications are increasingly using engaging videos and moving backgrounds to make their web app appear livelier.

Now, how does it benefit companies with such web applications? 

It helps boost the conversion rate and enhance user loyalty. Thus, the web app becomes more productive.  

5. Real-Time Web Apps

Performant native web apps that perform in real-time are increasingly becoming a need. These applications seamlessly interact with the backend system and update in the browser without requiring the user to refresh the page.

Accordingly, developers leverage technologies like Node.JS to build real-time web apps featuring data analytics, instant messaging, etc.

Redefine Web Applications with Techcedence!

Are you looking to develop an incredibly powerful, scalable, and efficient web application for your business? Techcedence is the web app development company to partner with. Our extensive technology access, remarkable capabilities, and organized web app development process distinguish us from the rest.

Get a competent web application aligned with contemporary user needs, enriched with features and functionalities and equipped with the latest technologies. 

Choose Techcedence. Choose to succeed!

Email us at to learn more about our web app development capabilities and results.

Outsourcing and Offshoring

Pros and Cons of Offshoring

As an entrepreneur, you must have heard about offshoring. It involves relocating a company’s operations fully or partially to a foreign country. The most obvious benefits business owners expect from offshoring are reduced operational costs and increased profitability. And many companies have been successful at it! 

However, as someone eyeing offshoring, you must remember that offshoring is a strategic decision that involves a considerable investment. Hence, while focusing on benefits, you must also be cognizant of its cons or challenges. Knowing the pros and cons can help you optimize the benefits and mitigate the risks that offshoring could pose. Here’s a blog that talks about both.

4 Pros of Offshoring

Let’s start with the pros of offshoring and then proceed also to review its cons.

1. Considerable Cost Savings

As indicated earlier, this is the most significant benefit. Companies that plan every aspect of offshoring and partner with a reliable offshoring company save money and simultaneously augment their profits.

Usually, it is developed countries like the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, France, Germany, etc., that offshore their operations to developing countries. 

But the country of operations undoubtedly matters. It usually includes India, China, or the Philippines. These countries have relatively less expensive labor. In addition, the operational costs also are comparatively less there.

Per experts, offshoring your operations, for instance, software development can result in about 15-20 percent cost savings. The percentage could mean millions for companies with a significant business volume. 

2. 24/7 Operations

Offshoring proves to be a prudent idea for companies, for 24/7 operations aren’t feasible on their native soil. For instance, a US company offshoring customer support to a firm in India can reap the 24/7 operations advantage without engaging any local resources for it. Thus, with the required training and infrastructure, companies can provide round-the-clock services to their clients. 

3. Broadened Access to Expertise

Offshoring to a foreign country allows companies to leverage access to a broader range of talent – precisely skills absent or very expensive in their country. 

When it comes to IT offshoring, countries like India prove to be very useful. They have abundant skills available across the IT domain. It includes developers, testers, project managers, consultants, cybersecurity experts, and many more. 

While it isn’t that developed countries, do not have experts in these areas. They come at a relatively high cost tethered to them. These costs could collectively add to the project’s cost and affect profitability. 

In addition, offshoring provides a higher degree of flexibility and scalability. Working entirely with in-house resources doesn’t offer that advantage. Screening, hiring, interviewing and onboarding are arduous tasks that could pressurize companies, given project exigencies.

4. Focus on Core Business

This is very obvious. Companies that do not have expertise in a particular area might struggle with every aspect of it. But offshoring allows them to stay relieved about the operational aspect. They can focus on their expertise and the things at which they are the best.

4 Cons of Offshoring

Let’s now look at the flip side of the coin. Knowing a few challenges of offshoring can help you prepare and plan for them. Here are four of them.

1. Cultural and Language Barriers

This could be the first roadblock to seamless offshore operations. While language is one challenge, cultural differences could quickly escalate if not addressed proactively. Thus, it is imperative for both parties to understand each other’s culture.

Thanks to globalization. Things aren’t as complicated these days. People have the internet to study each other’s culture and language. Many companies send their employees to the client’s country to learn about operations and the client’s culture to avoid unnecessary conflicts. 

Virtual learning has further simplified communication. The entire team can attend virtual sessions and learn about cultural aspects and nuances from the client.

2. Reduced Operational Control

Another significant potential disadvantage of offshoring is reduced operational control. We say it is potential because it isn’t the case with every offshoring project. Some amount of control (routine decisions and operations) surely remains with the vendor company. But yet, clients can still prepare agreements that allow them to pull the strings and drive the project.

Thus, it all depends on the contractual terms and conditions. In most cases, clients retain maximum control to steer the operations based on their needs.

3. Jobs Exported to Other Countries

Many consider offshoring detrimental to a particular country’s jobs. The larger the operations, the higher the number of jobs exported. While it is beneficial for companies within their context, a greater number of companies doing it can significantly affect the country’s employment landscape.

4. Payroll Complications

Payroll is a complex aspect to deal with, no matter the country involved. When you offshore operations to another country, you introduce a wholly new set of payroll laws, rules, and regulations into the picture. Not having the right offshoring vendor can make things even more complicated and lead to pecuniary repercussions in the form of fines. Let alone the loss of reputation!

Are you looking to offshore software development in India? Consider Techcedence. We are an experienced technology partner with the resources, expertise, and experience handling offshore IT projects for various countries worldwide. Our consultants provide their strategic know-how and help you plan the offshoring operations to minimize risks and help you achieve a higher return on investment. Please write to us at to know more.

Mobile App Development

Essential Mobile App Development Tools and Programming Languages

Per reports, there will be around 7.5 billion mobile phone users by 2025. Besides, about 55 percent of web traffic comes from mobile phones. And, not to forget, with nearly five hours daily spent on mobile phones, every company will require a mobile application to serve its users! 

Thus, if you look to achieve success across the digital medium, a mobile is a must! Mobile app development tools and programming languages form an integral part of mobile app development. Here’s a blog that talks about some.

4 Mobile App Development Tools

While you have many mobile app development tools, let’s focus on a few famous and the most widely used ones across the technology world.

1. Xamarin

Xamarin is one of the best choices to build native mobile apps. It is a popular app development tool with the trust of over a million developers. Some features of Xamarin that make it as prudent a choice include the following.

  • Simplified coding with the platform-specific IntelliSense
  • Deep linking
  • Application indexing
  • Mono framework that exposes 100 percent of native APIs to optimize the use of the device’s capabilities

2. Appcelerator

Appcelerator is another popular tool on the list. It enables developers to build both native cross-platform apps. It requires fewer lines of coding to develop an app. In addition, it has an open mobile marketplace that allows you to sell or share extensions, modules, and templates. Some features include the following.

  • Excellent new OS release support
  • JavaScript application that refers to the availability of a broader talent base
  • Enables creating dynamic animations
  • Viewing UI changes across OSs and mobile devices is possible
  • Up to 90 percent code reduction on multiple platforms

3. Android Studio

Android Studio is an open-source mobile app development software. As the name suggests, it can help you create incredible applications on Android. It precisely helps reduce the app development time. Some features that make it an apt tool for building Android mobile applications include the following.

  • An intelligent code editor that enables you to write better codes
  • Android Emulator to install and start your apps quicker than a real device
  • Code templates that simplify adding well-established patterns like navigation drawer and view pager
  • Lintelligence, which is a robust static analysis framework and includes 365+ different lint checks across the app
  • Extensive tools to help test your Android apps JUnit 4 and functional UI test frameworks

4. Ionic

Ionic offers a complete open-source SDK. Hence, developers use it extensively to build hybrid applications via HTML5, CSS, etc. Ionic allows developers to send the release update to users. Additionally, you can automate app delivery with Ionic with any technical expertise. Let’s look at some of Ionic’s features.

  • Workflow automation from native binary builds to QA
  • Creation of cloud-based native app binaries
  • Automation of development tasks via industry-specific defaults and pre-built workflows
  • A central and shared dashboard that offers real-time activity feeds

You may leverage many more app development tools like Framework 7, Sencha Touch, Buildfire.js, etc. with mobile app development companies like us.

4 Mobile App Programming Languages

Now, let’s look at some mobile app programming languages.

1. Python

There’s hardly an entrepreneur, who must not have heard about Python. It is a general-purpose and object-oriented coding language. You can use Python to develop Android mobile applications, although Android does not support native Python development. You can do so through many tools that convert Python apps into Android Packages, which you can run on Android devices.

2. Java

We cannot forget Java when talking about mobile app development programming languages. Java was the first language for Android app development. Google offers extensive support to Java. No wonder, so many applications on Play Store are built with Java. Nevertheless, beginners could find it a bit difficult to work on Java. Thus, ensure you have experts to deal with it.

3. Swift

Swift was introduced as an Apple programming language in 2014. It is an iOS developer’s preferred application programming language. Swift is easier and more concise. It is one reason Swift took over Objective-C. So, if your developers know how to build applications on Objective-C, moving to Swift can be easier.  

4. Ruby

Ruby is another object-oriented programming language. Developers trust Ruby for building high-quality web applications with a clean architecture and implementing HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files. It allows easier coding, quick changes, and a secure environment. In addition, it is open source and flexible.

Some other mobile app development programming languages include Kotlin, Rust, C++, C#, and Dart. You may choose the one most suited to your needs.

But how to choose the best mobile app development tool and programming language? Techcedence can answer. 

We are a leading mobile app development company with proficiency across various mobile app development tools and programming languages. 

While our developers can help create outstanding mobile apps on Android and iOS, our consultants can help you choose the right technology for your needs to augment your RoI. Write to us at

Web App Development

A Beginners Guide to Web App Development 2022

Are you new to web app development but looking to develop a web application for your business? Then, this beginner’s guide to web app development (2022) from Techcedence, a trustworthy web app developer, can help!

It delves into various aspects of web app development, including the basic definition of a web application, web app development, multiple examples of web applications, and the benefits of web apps. In addition, it quickly runs through the web app development process to help you understand what you can expect while working with a web app development company.

What is a Web Application?

A web application is an interactive computer program developed with technologies like CSS, HTML, etc. It stores and manipulates data and is used by a team of multiple users or a single user to perform various tasks using the internet. Users can access web applications on browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, etc.

Are web applications and websites the same? No. They aren’t. Web apps allow users to create, read, update and delete data. They are defined by their input. Whereas in the case of websites, it is their output that defines them. Websites can be used to read news, information, updates, etc., on a particular topic. 

What is Web Application Development?

Web application development refers to creating application programs that stay on remote servers and are delivered to users via the internet. You do not have to download and install a web app. Instead, you can access it through the internet. Developers can write most web applications in HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. Users can access the web through browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.

Web Application Examples

You are surrounded by several web applications in your routine life. Some of them include the following.

  • Google Docs

Google Docs allows for creating and automatically saving documents. Although a web app, you can use it without the internet and sync it once the connection resumes. You can also access Google Docs from any device and operating system. 

  • Salesforce

Salesforce is a SaaS product. It is a CRM that offers various features like reports, tables, dashboards, etc. The use of Salesforce is associated with helping businesses find more prospects and close more deals. It helps teams work better and collaboratively. In addition, it enhances communication and steers success.

  • Mailchimp

You must have heard about Mailchimp. It is a marketing automation platform that specializes in email marketing. Mailchimp’s platform is a sophisticated web app with a stunning and interactive UI, simplifying the platform’s use. 

  • Netflix

Netflix is another popular web application. It is one of the world’s top video-streaming platforms that allows paying users to watch movies and various TV shows on demand. You can access Netflix across different operating systems and devices. The web application is also available as a mobile app.

Benefits of Web Application Development

Let’s look at five essential benefits of web app development for businesses.

  1. Multiple OS Compatibility: Users can access web apps across various operating systems. That allows you to broaden your user base without confining yourself to a single one.
  2. Easily Maintainable: Web apps are hosted on the web. Hence, updating it isn’t the user’s onus. It gets updated automatically, and that proves to be an essential factor contributing to an enhanced user experience.
  3. Better Business Organization: Web applications like CRM help companies organize their business better and easily yet securely access customer data. They help companies stay connected with their users and leverage business opportunities via a unified, customized system.
  4. High Customization Level: Web apps can be customized to your needs. It can mainly serve your business objectives and user needs. These capabilities can translate to better user experiences and, therefore, a higher chance of winning their business and trust in the long run.
  5. Increased Scalability: Bespoke web applications developed with the best web development companies also address scalability. These web apps grow as the business expands, thus preventing concerns like slow functioning, data management, etc.

Web Application Development Process

Experienced and expert web development companies follow a well-defined, thoughtful, and organized web application development process. 

While ensuring timely development, the process also focuses on driving value for the business and its users. The web app development process of every company may vary. But usually, it is the below that most follow. Connect with Techcedence for an in-depth understanding of the web app development process. 

  • Defining the problem and devising the solution that resolves it
  • Mapping the web app development workflow
  • Creating a prototype of the web application to examine its usefulness
  • Testing the prototype with potential users and receiving feedback
  • Working on feedback and iterating on the design until all parties are happy
  • Choosing tools, technologies, frameworks, and the development approach
  • Developing the web app, including its frontend, backend, and database
  • Testing the web application automatically or manually across various factors like functionality, compatibility, usability, performance, and security
  • Hosting the web app and deploying it

How do I Start Developing a Web Application?

Web app development is a specialized task. Thus, it requires experts who can ensure end-to-end assistance from consulting to customer support. Hiring web app developers allows you to focus on your core job and save considerable costs otherwise incurred in hiring an in-house web app development team. 

So, if you are looking to develop a web app for your business, Techcedence can help. Our proven track record, decades of cumulative experience, access to technologies, and unmatched proficiency in applying each makes us a standout. On the other hand, our results have helped us emerge as a distinguished web app development company for multiple business domains.

Please write to us at for a more fruitful and in-depth conversation about your project and our capabilities.

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7 Countries Preferred for Outsourcing Mobile App Development Projects

Mobile app development has become imperative for every business, whether B2C or B2C. But considering the costs and efforts involved, companies from most countries, mainly the developed ones, prefer outsourcing the project. Talent availability is another factor that drives this decision.

India is the first choice that comes to everyone’s mind. But is that the only option? No, India still outranks every other country in this space. But it has peers too! So, along with India, let’s look at six more countries that could form a potential choice for mobile app development outsourcing.

Note: The list below is random and isn’t based on rankings. Figures like salary ranges, number of English speakers, developers, etc. are approximate and shouldn’t be considered a benchmark for negotiation or any kind of decision-making.

1. India

India is a default choice in outsourcing. Of course, India’s prime position is supported by many reasons. Some of them include the massive number of English speakers, STEM graduates (which is in millions yearly!), unmatched math expertise, and thousands of startups, SMEs, and global IT enterprises.

Outsourcing Mobile App Development - India

But there are commercial reasons as well. The average hourly salary of an Indian mobile app developer is about USD 8-10. Besides, the operational cost in India is considerably lower. Not to forget the number of extra hours Indians can pump in as required to fulfill the project’s needs!

2. China

China, in India’s north-eastern neighborhood, is another massive player in the outsourcing realm. It is home to many fastest-growing IT companies and produces nearly five million tech graduates yearly. 

outsourcing software development - China

Of course, China has a few disadvantages as well. One of them is the fewer English speakers compared to its enormous population. In addition, the country has lax enforcement of IP laws. Speaking of the average hourly remuneration, China is almost USD 22-30.

3. The Philippines

Per reports, Manila is ranked as the second-best city outsourcing in the world. But is that the only reason you must outsource mobile app development to the country? No. With over 90 percent of the country’s population speaking English, the Philippines is one of the largest English-speaking populations in the world. The average hourly compensation of a mobile app developer in the Philippines is approximately USD 8-12.

outsourcing software development - Philippines

The country also has a specialized STEM high school and has taken many visionary steps to enhance the country’s prominence on the global outsourcing map. But the Philippines is still developing in terms of mobile app development. So, considering the existing skill gap, you may consider the Philippines outsourcing simpler projects. For the more complex ones, you may choose India.

4. Ukraine

outsourcing mobile app development - Ukraine

Ukraine is currently undergoing turmoil due to the ongoing war. But the country has its significant merits to advocate. It is home to the largest number of C++ programmers globally. English isn’t as widely spoken in Ukraine. But fortunately, more than 75 percent of its IT workforce can conversate in English. The average per-hour salary of a mobile app developer in Ukraine is about USD 10-12. 

5. Brazil

Brazil shouldn’t come as a surprise, as the company is one of the world’s fastest-growing economies and has some impressive statistics to tell. Some include the number of English speakers in the country (roughly over 6 million). 

outsourcing software development - Brazil

In addition, the country has a workforce relatively younger than its counterparts. Of course, Brazil is developing, and you may find many junior developers here. So, you may consider outsourcing lesser complex projects. But for advanced and demanding ones, travel east to the more developed IT ecosystems.

The average hourly salary of a mobile app developer in Brazil is somewhere around 12-15 USD.

6. Canada

Canada has emerged as a solid contender in the mobile app outsourcing business. The country could be a reliable outsourcing partner for its neighbor, the US, considering cultural similarities, similar time zones, and the number of compatible and competent English speakers. 

outsourcing software development - Canada

However, while these competencies could impress one, the average hourly rate of a mobile app developer, about 45-50 USD, could be concerning. It is almost the same as the US, which might not have any pecuniary benefit while outsourcing mobile app development to Canada.

7. Poland

Poland is another mobile app outsourcing destination on our list. It has many skilled programmers who can deliver outstanding mobile applications. In addition, about 25-30 percent of the Polish population speaks English. So, this is another advantage for western countries. 

outsourcing mobile app development - Poland

Not exactly a challenge, but Poland’s time zone could require companies in the US to make some time adjustments while arranging calls. The average hourly salary of a mobile app developer in Poland is USD 15-20.

Mobile app development is a highly specialized area. So, if it isn’t your core business, outsource it to experts like Techcedence and focus on your responsibilities. Our highly qualified and experienced mobile app developers build inspiring and exemplary mobile applications that help you redefine success.

We excel in every area, from talent to technology. Thus, save costs, leverage the best of resources, and get an incredible mobile application tailored to your business needs and objectives. Write to us at, and let’s look to build a fruitful and long-term business relationship.

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Top 7 Potential Advantages of Offshore Outsourcing in Business

Offshore outsourcing is a tested and proven strategy. It involves hiring a third-party supplier to conduct the specified tasks remotely from a foreign country. With an outsourcing market size of nearly four billion dollars, India is one of the largest vendor nations worldwide and a credible partner. But as opposed to in-house operations, which could appear more controllable, what drives companies towards offshore outsourcing? Let’s find out seven potential benefits.

1. Considerably Lower Salaries

This is one reason, in addition to lower operational costs (which we will discuss shortly), that drives foreign companies towards offshore outsourcing. They might have the talent to drive success, albeit at a cost exorbitant enough to blow the project’s overall budget out of proportion! 

Outsourcing a particular task or a project to a foreign country (preferably a developing one) helps them get the resource cost advantage. Salaries in developing countries are significantly lower than those in developed countries like the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, etc.

For instance, the average hourly rate of a software developer stationed in India is about USD 25-30. This is royally lower than the hourly rate in the US, which is about USD 69-72. You may do the math to calculate the savings. No wonder India is a paradise for these countries when it comes to offshore outsourcing!

In addition, companies save on employee administration, benefits, Mediclaim, insurance, etc., which are high in the US and lower in developing countries. 

2. Substantially Lower Operational Costs

Operational costs are pretty low in developing countries. Of course, it depends on the city and the country where you outsource the job and the prevailing inflation rate. However, even at a steady inflation rate, the operational cost in developing countries remains substantially lower than the developed countries (unless the geopolitical situation goes awry and there’s a surge in inflation!)

Thus, politically stable countries can offer a better proposition to countries looking to offshore outsourcing and gain a cost advantage.

3. Broader Talent Access

Offshore outsourcing allows you to venture beyond your geographical frontiers and tap talent otherwise beyond your physical reach. Outsourcing a project or a set of tasks to a reliable offshore outsourcing company enables you to leverage a broader talent pool for your business and use its intellect for your business.

For instance, if you outsource software development to India, you’d have an extensive pool of resources. You can have everything from developers to testers and show-runners to reap a higher RoI from the decision.

4. No Hiring Hassles – Faster Hiring

Hiring could prove to be arduous, especially when the requirement is specific, which is often the case. But with offshoring outsourcing, the recruitment onus is on the company that will execute the project. Their network and access to resources enable them to hire more quickly than the client company could. 

In addition, client companies stay relieved, as they can limit their role to assessing and interviewing only people who are project managers and above.

5. Quicker Scalability

Scalability is a critical concern when you attempt to manage a project in-house. When the project grows, what will you be doing, driving project growth and its needs, or focusing on beefing up the team size?

Offshore outsourcing proves to be significantly advantageous here. As the company outsources work, you don’t have to worry about scaling the team size. It is for the outsourcing company to manage, as they are the ground project owners, and it is their responsibility to hire more people.

Partnering with reliable and credible outsourcing companies can help here, as their experience keeps them prepared for project growth and scalability. They can respond to such needs positively without affecting routine operations.

6. Time Zone Differences

Time zone is a significant benefit when it comes to offshore outsourcing. Usually, when it comes to offshore outsourcing to India, companies in the US, the UK, etc., benefit from the time zone. India’s strategic +5:30 time zone is advantageous for them, enabling them to extend their working hours.  

7. Focus on Core Business

Offshore outsourcing involves projects or tasks a company cannot deliver or complete on its soil. It is due to the lack of talent or costly operations and resources. By outsourcing, companies stay relieved from the operational aspect of the project and restrict themselves to periodic reviews. They can focus on their core business while the outsourcing company ensures continued operations and expect product quality and timely project delivery.

Are you looking to outsource software development to India? Choose Techcedence! We are an end-to-end software, mobile, and web application development company, involved in everything from project planning to delivery and maintenance. Our expertise and market hold also allows us to help companies hire resources for various IT-related projects while having complete control over the deliverables, operations, and the project.

Click here to connect with us and discuss your needs.

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Benefits of Hiring Indian Developers for Software Development

India’s growth as a global IT hub is neither new nor a surprise. It has always maintained its identity as a progressive nation, open to new ideas and investments. India’s IT sector started growing in the early 2000s. After a couple of decades, almost every global technology enterprise has an office in India. 

India’s extensive talent pool is one of the most significant reasons for such exponential growth. It includes technology consultants, project managers, testers, and developers. Speaking of the latter, India is one of the world’s favorite software development destinations. Of course, the country’s developers have the lion’s share in it. But why do so many companies employ Indian developers for software development? Let’s find out the reasons.

5 Benefits of Hiring Indian Software Developers

From substantial cost savings to a broad talent base, these five reasons make Indian software developers preferred worldwide.

1. Considerable Cost Savings

This is the first and foremost aspect that companies outsourcing software development consider. Every company wants to keep development costs under control and raise the RoI. Outsourcing software development to India proves to be significantly advantageous. But how is that?

The average per-hour cost of a junior Indian developer is about USD 12-22, and that of a middle-level professional is USD 22-42. The cost of senior professionals exceeds USD 50. But companies mainly hire junior and mid-level developers. These average hourly costs of both are substantially less than Poland, Singapore, Brazil, etc. Of course, a few more countries offer even less expensive resources. But the cost isn’t the only factor that makes Indian developers a standout!

2. Strategic Time-Zone Advantage

India is located at a strategic location. The +5.30-time zone is advantageous for countries like the US, Canada, the UK, and Australia – from which Indian software companies receive software development projects.

So, in the United States, which is nine to ten hours behind, Indian developers work during the daytime when it is night in the US. In some cases, some companies may provide developers working during the night hours to serve the daytime hours of the US as well. The UK, which is five and half hours behind, also has more or less the same story. Australia, which is a few hours ahead of India, also benefits equally. For Australians, outsourcing software development to India refers to ensuring continued project operations until late at night. 

3. English-Speaking Software Developers

Why do you think so many global technology giants have offices in India? Of course, covering the vast Indian market is one aspect. But what’s beneficial for these companies is the availability of English-speaking IT professionals. 

Hire english speaking indian software developers

Most Indian developers are qualified and proficient in written and verbal English communication. These soft and hard skills make Indian developers a popular business proposition for Indian IT companies looking for foreign projects.

4. Extensive Technical Knowledge 

Indian software developers possess extensive technical knowledge. Most are proficient in multiple technologies, frameworks, programming languages, platforms, etc. Many are full-stack developers who can handle the front and backend. Besides, several developers are experts in developing applications for Android as well as iOS. These factors help save costs and several person-hours spent in recruiting separate talent for every need. 

5. Range of Software Developers

You name it, and Indian companies have it! India’s range of software developers includes skills like React Native, AngularJS, Android, Java, Blockchain, Laravel, iOS, PHP, Python, NodeJS, and many others. So, once you start searching for developers in India, you wouldn’t have to go anywhere else!

core technologies bi indian developers

Are you a company from the US, UK, Canada, Australia, or any other country looking for Indian developers? Connect with Techcedence. We offer expert developers with over four years of experience. Our attributes include complete transparency, control, and time zone flexibility. In addition, we provide responsible developers who adhere to deadlines. Not to forget, you can always bank on us for quick scalability. Write to to know more.