
Cache Tag Helper in ASP.NET Core

ASP.NET Core has a lot of built-in Tag Helper. The Cache Tag Helper is one of them. It helps to improve the application performance by storing the content in cache. In the ASP.NET core, content placed inside the <cache> tag is stored in the cache. For the First time the content is fetched from the server. The subsequent request will display from the cache until the cache duration expires. The default cache duration is 20 minutes.

The following is a sample of the Cache Tag Helper. This code page will display the current date and time two times. First date and time is a normal one. The second one is a cached date and time, which means that date and time are placed inside the CacheTag Helper.

    ViewData[“Title”] = “Cache Tag Helper”;
    Layout = null;

 <h4>Cache Tag Helper</h4>

<div>The Current Time: <b>@DateTime.Now</b> </div>
<br />
    <cache>The Cache Tag Helper: <b>@DateTime.Now</b></cache>

The following screenshot shows two dates and time, both are the same because the first request always fetches from the server.

cache tag helper 1

The second screenshot is taken after refreshing the page. Here only the first date and time has been changed, the second date and time shows the same date and time, because it was from the cache and not from the server.

cache tag helper 2

Cache Tag Helper Attributes:


This attribute helps to enable or disable the cache content within the Cache Tag Helper. If it is true, it will provide the content in cache. If it is false it will not store the content. The default value is true.

<cache enabled=”true”>
The Cache Tag Helper Date and Time: <b>@DateTime.Now</b>


This attribute helps to set an expiration date and  time. The syntax is @new DateTime(<year>,<month>,<date>,<hour>,<minute>,<second>) for example, expires-on=”@new DateTime(2025,5,11,18,19,0)”. This will expire on May 11th 2025 at 6:19 PM

<cache  expires-on=”@new DateTime(2025,5,11,18,19,0)”>
The Cache Tag Helper Date and Time: <b>@DateTime.Now</b>


It helps to set a duration time from the first request. For example, an expires-after  value is @TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120) then it will store the cache content 120 seconds from the first requested time. The default value is 20 seconds.

<cache  expires-after=”@TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120)”>
The Cache Tag Helper Date and Time: <b>@DateTime.Now</b>


It will expire the cache content if it has not accessed it at a particular time. If expires-sliding is 120 seconds @TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120), The page will give the same content if it is refreshed within 120 seconds. If the page is not refreshed for more than 120 minutes, it will expire the cache content and request new content from the web server.

<cache  expires-sliding=”@TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120)”>
The Cache Tag Helper Date and Time: <b>@DateTime.Now</b>


If the attribute name starts with expires-*, that attribute expires cache content


When setting the vary-by-header, it will update the cache when the header value changes.  vary-by-header=”User-Agent”. This will provide cache content based on the user agent (browser).

<cache  vary-by-header=”User-Agent”>
The Cache Tag Helper Date and Time: <b>@DateTime.Now</b>


This stores the cache based on the value in the query string. Use commas when specifying multiple values. For example, vary-by-query=”id,name”. It will store the cache based on the id and name value of the query string. If any of the query string value is changed, it will fetch content from the source server instead of cache.

<cache  vary-by-query=”id,name”>
The Cache Tag Helper Date and Time: <b>@DateTime.Now</b>


This saves the cache based on the value route values. It only sends a request when the route value changes. Use a comma separator to store cache based on multiple route values. If var-by-route = “id”, the cache content will vary based on the route id value.

<cache  vary-by-route=”id”>
The Cache Tag Helper Date and Time: <b>@DateTime.Now</b>


It stores the cache based on the cookie value. A comma separator is used to specify multiple cookie values. If the cookie value changes, it will update the cache with new content.

<cache  vary-by-cookie=”.AspNetCore.Identity.Application”>
The Cache Tag Helper Date and Time: <b>@DateTime.Now</b>


It stores the cache based on the logged in user. It accepts boolean values true or false. So it determines whether or not to save the cache value.

<cache  vary-by-user=”true”>
The Cache Tag Helper Date and Time: <b>@DateTime.Now</b>


This attribute lets you store cache values based on any string values. The vary-by attribute may be any string value.  In the blow example vary-by=”@Model” so the cache will refresh the content based on the @Model value.

<cache  vary-by=”@Model”>
The Cache Tag Helper Date and Time: <b>@DateTime.Now</b>


It helps to provide guidance to the cache provider. High, Low, NeverRemove, Normal are the list of priority attributes. The time of the cache memory problem, the cache provider will remove the low priority cache. The priority attribute is only a suggestion. If the priority attribute value is ‘NeverRemove’ it doesn’t mean it will never expire or be removed.

<cache  priority=”High”>
The Cache Tag Helper Date and Time: <b>@DateTime.Now</b>

This article explains what a cache tag helper is, how it works, and what different attributes it contains.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.


Model Binding in ASP.NET Core

In the ASP.NET core, the razor page uses the HTTP request data. The model binding helps to get the data from various sources. It converts string data to .NET data type and provides it to controller and razor pages. Previously, the developer should extract the contents from the HTTP request and manually assign the value to the properties. But the model binding simplifies the work. It automatically binds the browser data to the controller action parameter.

How Model Binding Works

Consider the following controller action. The action method Contact has two parameters ID and name. The ID parameter is an integer and, the name parameter is a string.

public ActionResult Contact(int ID, string name)
return View();

Imagining the HTTP request is ~/Contact?id=5&name=harry. The above Contact action method will bind the value 5 to the ID parameter and, harry to name parameter. First, the model binding will find the first parameter of the contact method, in this scenario, an integer ID. Then it will check the request and find the value for the parameter. The ID parameter in the request is a string.

So the model binding will convert the string ID 5 to an integer. Then it will check for the next parameter name and find the value harry, as it is a string it will bind the value to the parameter. Here the binding is not case sensitive. So the action parameter can be mentioned as ID or id. The model binder will bind the null value to the parameter if there is no value for the parameter. For example, if the HTTP request is ~/Contact?id=5 then it will pass the null value to the name parameter. But imagine, the request is ~/Contact?name=harry then it will throw an error message. Because an integer parameter cannot be Null.

What is [BindProperty] attribute?

A BindProperty attribute can be applied to the public property of the controller or page model. When you apply this attribute, it will create a model binding to the property.

public class HomeController : Controller
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Age { get; set; }


The above one is an example of [BindProperty] attribute. The [BindProperty] applied to the public properties Name and Age. So it is a direction to the binding framework to bind the corresponding properties.

Also, you can use the [BindProperty] for complex type as shown below.

public Customer Customer { get; set; }

[BindProperty] properties

There are two properties available in [BindProperty] attribute, Name and SupportsGet. Usually, the model binding will connect the field names with the property. If the property does not match with any of the field names, then the property will not bind with any value. For example, the HTTP request is ~/Contact?usrID=5&name=harry, then the model binding will never bind the usrID value to ID property. In this case, the Name property helps to bind the value. The following is an example of how to bind the usrID value to ID property.

[BindProperty(Name =”usrID”)]
public string ID { get; set; }

By default, the model binding will work for the POST request. The SupportsGet property helps to bind the GET requests.

[BindProperty(SupportsGet = true)]

[BindProperties] attribute

The [BindProperties] attribute is available in ASP.NET core 2.1 and later. You can apply this attribute to the controller or page model class. So the model binding will bind all the public properties in the class.

public class ModelBindingModel : PageModel


From the above article, you can acquire knowledge about what is model binding in ASP.NET MVC, how it binds the request to a controller action, how it reduces the work of developers, what is [bindProperty] attributes and how to use the attribute with public properties. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.


Tag Helpers in ASP.NET Core

Tag Helpers introduced in ASP.Net Core helps to develop a cleaner and better readable HTML markup. The Tag Helper is much easier to read and maintain for those who can understand HTML. With Tag Helper, the designer can edit the razor code without the knowledge of C# razor syntax. The web designers can get an HTML-friendly development experience.

Tag Helpers are classes that manipulate HTML elements. It implements the ITagHelper interface. Therefore, it helps to create a view content using C# logic. There are many built-in Tag Helpers available in .NET for common applications. The developers can also build their own customized Tag Helpers.

Tag Helper Basic

Here new { @class =  “form – control”}  is an HTML Helper attribute. When typing bootstrap class name ‘form-control’ visual studio will not provide Intellisense support.

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.StudentName, new  { @class = “form – control”}

But in the Tag Helper, the IntelliSense will support in all the markup and developer can use all the attributes of HTML element like class, style, etc. The following example is the same code in Tag Helper. When typing ‘class=’ the IntelliSense will display all the class names.

<input asp-for=”StudentName class =”form-control” />

When you use the Tag Helper you can avoid @signs, lambdas, and other helpers

Input Tag Helper Example

Input Tag Helper helps to bind the model values to the razor view. The following is a syntax for Input Tag Helper.

<input asp-for =“<Expression Name>” />

The above syntax will generate the name and id HTML attributes using the asp-for attribute. The asp-for attribute is a model expression. Here, asp-for=’property’ is equal to m=> in the HTML helper.

var studentName = “ Peter“; 
 <input asp-for =“@studentName  />

The above code will generate the following HTML:

<input type= “text” id= studentName  name=studentName  value= Peter />

Tag Helper scope

The @addTagHelper, @removeTagHelper and the ‘!’ controls the Tag Helper scope.


@addTagHelper *, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers

The @addTagHelper directive makes the Tag Helper available in the view. The default ASP.NET core projectView/Shared/_ViewImports.cshtml includes the @addTagHelper.


@removeTagHelper    Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers

The @removeTagHelper directive helps to remove the Tag Helper availability from the view.

Opting out of individual elements

It is possible to disable the Tag Helper for a particular HTML element using the opt-out character (!)

<!span  asp-validation-for=”Email” class =”text-danger”></!span>

By adding the opt-out character (!) in opening tag and closing tag, the Tag Helper will get disabled in the element.

The Appearance of Tag Helper

The developer can clearly identify the Tag Helpers code in the visual studio with a unique color code. For example, when typing label HTML element in the visual studio it will display the word label in brown color.

appearance of tag helper

When typing asp-for (Tag Helper attribute) immediately the code will change to bold purple color

Tag Helper attribute


The visual studio theme is blue or light, and then it will change the Tag Helper font to purple. If it is a dark theme, then the font will change to bold teal.

This article briefs about the Tag Helper in ASP.NET core. ASP.NET core already has lots of built-in Tag Helper. However, developers can create their own custom Tag Helpers.

If you have questions, please leave your comments.


Benefits of ASP.NET Core

A latest technology that many companies have duly adopted to create their applications. A cross-platform, open-source framework for the development of cloud-based modern web applications. ASP.NET core is a great combination of different web development models that consists of all of the required services to create robust web applications for all different kinds of businesses.

Through this framework, one can create more effective web apps, mobile app back ends and also IoT apps. To put it in simpler terms, ASP.NET core is a significant redesign of the ASP.NET framework. ASP.NET core comes with a wide range of benefits. Let us take a look at some of the various benefits of ASP.NET Core.

1. Improved Performance

The major benefit of ASP.NET Core framework is its improved and higher performance. With the new enhancements and upgrades, the code actually gets much more optimized that results into improved performance. However, this isn’t the best part of it. The most significant part is that it does not actually require changing the code. The ASP.NET Core compiler eventually optimizes the entire code whenever the code is re-compiled with the ASP.NET Core framework. 

2. Support of Cross-platform

ASP.NET Core is cross-platform allowing easy creation of web applications which run on Windows, Linux, and Mac. In simpler terms, the entire backend will use the same C# code. 

3. Lesser Code

ASP.NET Core demands less coding, and the developers can easily optimize the code-structure by writing lesser statements. As the coding is less, the amount of hours required are less as well in order to create an application, making ASP.NET Core much more cost-effective.

4. Easy Maintenance

As ASP.NET Core demands less coding, it in turn becomes much more easier to maintain automatically. This essentially means that it not only takes the less amount of code to create a web application but it is very easy to manage and maintain it effectively. 

5. Cloud-Based Web Application Development Support

Creating a cloud-based application in the current era is a better option. And ASP.NET Core is the go to solution for the business requirements of the current times. Also, ASP.NET Core can easily help in developing great and robust web applications.

ASP.NET Core is an extremely interesting technology to create robust web applications. Since most of the businesses out there look for various ways to develop applications faster and launch it in the market as soon as possible, ASP.NET Core is considered to be the best ways to do it.