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Hiring Dedicated Developers: The Ultimate Guide!

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, having a dedicated team of skilled developers can be the key to success. Whether you are a startup or an established enterprise, hiring dedicated developers can supercharge your business by providing the expertise and resources needed to build innovative solutions. This ultimate guide will walk you through the process of hiring dedicated developers, empowering you to make informed decisions and achieve your business goals.

Benefits of Hiring Dedicated Developers

1. Increased Efficiency and Productivity

By hiring dedicated developers, you can tap into their specialized skills and knowledge to streamline your development processes. These professionals are solely focused on your project, ensuring enhanced efficiency and productivity. With their expertise, you can expect faster turnaround times, high-quality deliverables, and reduced development cycles.

2. Cost Savings

Hiring dedicated developers can also lead to significant cost savings for your business. Instead of maintaining an in-house development team, which comes with additional expenses like salaries, benefits, and infrastructure, you can hire dedicated developers on a project basis. This allows you to scale your development resources as needed, eliminating unnecessary costs associated with idle resources.

3. Access to Top Talent

One of the most significant advantages of hiring dedicated developers is gaining access to top talent from around the world. You can leverage the global talent pool and handpick professionals with the exact skills and experience required for your project. This opens up opportunities for innovation and ensures that you have the best minds working on your development initiatives.

4. Flexibility and Scalability

Hiring dedicated developers offers unparalleled flexibility and scalability for your business. As your project requirements evolve, you can easily scale your team up or down, depending on the workload. This agility allows you to adapt to market changes swiftly and stay ahead of the competition.

How to Hire Dedicated Developers

1. Define Your Project Requirements

Before embarking on the hiring process, it is crucial to define your project requirements clearly. Determine the technical skills, experience level, and domain expertise necessary for your project’s success. This will help you identify the right candidates who align with your project goals.

2. Choose the Right Hiring Model

There are different hiring models available when it comes to dedicated developers. You can opt for freelancers, offshore development teams, or engage with a dedicated development company. Assess your project scope, budget, and timeline to decide which hiring model suits your business best.

3. Conduct a Comprehensive Screening Process

To ensure you hire the most qualified professionals, conduct a comprehensive screening process. Review resumes, portfolios, and past projects to assess the candidates’ skills and expertise. Consider conducting technical interviews or coding tests to evaluate their capabilities further.

4. Collaborate and Communicate Effectively

Once you have selected your dedicated developers, establish clear channels of communication and collaboration. Regularly communicate project updates, provide feedback, and ensure everyone is aligned with the project’s objectives. This fosters a productive and efficient working environment.

5. Monitor Progress and Provide Support

Throughout the development process, monitor the progress of your dedicated developers closely. Use project management tools to track milestones, identify bottlenecks, and provide timely support. Regularly assess the quality of deliverables to ensure they meet your expectations.

6. Foster a Positive Work Culture

Creating a positive work culture is essential when working with dedicated developers. Foster an environment that promotes collaboration, innovation, and professional growth. Recognize and reward their achievements, and encourage a healthy work-life balance.

7. The Future of Hiring Dedicated Developers

As technology continues to evolve, the demand for dedicated developers is expected to rise. Businesses are increasingly recognizing the value of hiring dedicated professionals to drive their digital transformation initiatives. With advancements in remote work capabilities and collaboration tools, hiring dedicated developers from around the globe has become more accessible than ever.

In the future, hiring dedicated developers will become an integral part of businesses across industries. The ability to tap into a global talent pool, optimize costs, and maintain flexibility will be crucial for companies aiming to stay competitive in the digital age. Embracing remote work and leveraging dedicated developers will enable businesses to innovate faster, deliver superior products and services, and meet the evolving needs of their customers.


Hiring dedicated developers can be a game-changer for your business. The benefits of increased efficiency, cost savings, access to top talent, and flexibility make it a compelling choice. By following the steps outlined in this ultimate guide, you can navigate the hiring process effectively and supercharge your business with a dedicated development team. Embrace the power of dedicated developers and unlock new possibilities for growth and success. The future is bright for businesses that embrace the potential of dedicated developers.

Mobile App Development

Top 5 Trends for Reducing Mobile App Development Costs

Money saved is money earned! Of course, every entrepreneur knows that. But every digital element added to your ecosystem contributes to a significant increase in the operational costs of your business. Mobile apps that are part of a company’s digital infrastructure are a necessity these days. However, many business owners confront high development costs contributing to the overall operational budget.

Per reports, the development aspect of a mobile application alone constitutes around 30-35 percent of the total development budget. Let alone maintenance, annual legacy costs, and several hidden costs that further add once the app is operational. 

But that surely doesn’t mean you live with high mobile app development costs and hamper profitability. As a mobile app development company, we’ve identified five trends that can help you reduce your mobile app development costs considerably.

1. Cross-Platform Development

It is a no-brainer that developing a separate application for Android, iOS, and Windows will cost you more. But developing an application for each of these platforms is essential to tap users across every operating system. 

An effective way of making your app compatible with all these operating systems while ensuring cost savings is cross-platform development. Cross-platform development works with highly reusable code. You can use the app’s business logic several times by writing it only once and using it on various platforms like iOS, Android, and Windows. 

Besides, by choosing a team with cross-platform capabilities, you can save time, effort, and money otherwise incurred in resources with single-platform skills.

2. Agile Methodology

Agile has quickly gained popularity and has become an integral part of mobile app development. Agile project management offers benefits like budget control and rapid development and enables you to divide your project into various parts. 

You can further classify those parts as tasks, sub-tasks, and modules, thus making app development more straightforward and effective to handle. Not to forget, the agile development approach also results in lesser rework, which helps control project costs and enhance product quality, potentially leading to a higher RoI.

3. MVP Approach

MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is another useful strategy that helps companies determine their mobile application’s market potential and response. Developing an MVP incurs some costs for sure. But considering the valuable real-time user response and feedback an MVP provides, it is worth investing in developing one. 

Developing an MVP enables you, as the mobile app’s owner, to develop precisely what your target audience requires. Thus, you don’t spend time and money trying and erring. Besides, it helps you make an informed entry into the market and increase RoI.

4. Continuous Testing

Testing after completing the development part is a conventional approach. Some errors and mistakes could be significant enough to require a complete redesign or rework. The result increased development costs and time lost in reinventing the wheel. Thanks to new approaches that allow continuous testing.

Continuous testing allows you to fix bugs as the application shapes. It helps avoid humongous rework and the costs that follow it. That surely helps save a significant amount of money, time, and effort.

5. Outsourcing Mobile App Development

This can be the most cost-effective strategy, provided you choose a trustworthy and experienced mobile app development company. Outsourcing helps you save costs associated with various aspects like hiring resources, nurturing full-time resources, and paying their salaries and employee administration costs, infrastructural costs, etc. 

Outsourcing allows you to focus on your core business and saves time otherwise spent in micromanaging the various phases of mobile app development.

Build Seamless, Competent, and Cost-Effective Mobile Apps with Techcedence!

Outsource mobile app development to Techcedence! We are an experienced and reliable mobile app development company with a global and diverse mobile app development portfolio. We employ the best and the most cost-effective mobile app development practices to help our clients control the development costs, however, without compromising the mobile app’s quality and launch commitment.

Please contact us at and discuss your mobile app development needs with our experts. We’d be glad to be your mobile app development partner.

Outsourcing and Offshoring

How to Come Up with an Effective IT Outsourcing Strategy for Your Business

Many companies consider outsourcing an effective strategy to manage their ever-growing and evolving IT landscape. And, it isn’t for no reason that they look up to outsourcing. IT outsourcing can help companies save up to 35-40 percent of their overall annual IT costs when planned and executed meticulously. That translates to millions of dollars retained and increased profitability in the long run!

But IT outsourcing isn’t as straightforward as it may appear. It isn’t a tactical move but a strategy that requires a thoughtful approach and the time and effort spent in pre-planning and identifying what matters. If you’ve decided to outsource IT services to an IT outsourcing company, ensure you plan the strategy well and make decisions that deliver tangible results. Here are some guidelines that can help.

5 Guidelines to Create a Useful IT Outsourcing Strategy

Here are some elements to factor in while devising an IT outsourcing strategy.

  1. Identify What and When to Outsource

When it comes to IT outsourcing, you don’t have to outsource anything and everything necessary. Some aspects of your IT infrastructure could be very well managed in-house, and you wouldn’t have to outsource them. Accordingly, assess your existing capabilities, infrastructure, challenges, pain points, unrealized financial losses, etc., to know which all aspects of your IT infrastructure to outsource. It will help you precisely outsource only where you need external help and retain the rest with yourself.

Now, when should you outsource IT functions? You could feel the need to do it on various occasions. For instance, you may outsource it when managing IT in-house is stressing your full-time resources, when the in-house IT management costs have blown out of proportion and taking a toll on your profitability, when you want to focus on the other equally crucial aspects like expansion, scalability, collaborations, etc. 

  1. Define Your Outsourcing Goals

Saving IT costs isn’t the only reason companies outsource. There could be many other goals that could drive the decision. Some other purposes could be establishing new services to bring in new clients, expanding current services to retain the existing ones, onboarding better technologies, achieving IT excellence, and ensuring IT compliance. 

Once you identify your actual outsourcing goals, identify the measurable goals. The more defined your goals, the better your outsourcing choices and strategy. 

  1. Understand Outsourcing Risks

Outsourcing is a globally tested and proven strategy. But it carries some potential risks, which you, as the company looking to outsource IT services, should know. Some possible ones could include inexperienced and inadequate staff managing your IT infrastructure, a poor or unresponsive support team, various hidden fees that could add to the outsourcing costs, compromised security, non-compliance, etc.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t outsource IT. It refers to being more careful and addressing these concerns before you sign the final documents. Planning SLAs carefully and ensuring the proper measures, penalties, and strict control over the outsourcing project is necessary while handing over your IT operations to an external team. Thus, you must choose a reliable, credible, and proven IT outsourcing company.

  1. Evaluate the Various Outsourcing Engagement Models

Over the years, outsourcing has evolved significantly to let multiple outsourcing engagement models emerge. You can leverage these models to achieve your outsourcing objectives. Some engagement models include the following.

  • Staff Augmentation: Recruiting external resources and looking after specific IT tasks while following your instructions and SLA clauses.
  • Dedicated Team: Hiring external people to extend the capacity of your in-house team. It refers to complete outsourcing without any in-house intervention. 
  • Project-Based Model: Outsourcing companies exercise complete control over a particular project from its beginning to completion.

Your prospective IT outsourcing company should decipher your needs and objectives and help you choose the suitable outsourcing model.

  1. Weigh Your Existing IT Management Against Outsourcing Costs

Outsourcing is considered a cost-effective strategy. But not always! At times, the various fees and factors involved in outsourcing could make it costlier than insourcing. To avoid letting that happen and stay alert about it, you must have a comprehensive report and breakup of your in-house IT management costs. 

Once you have that, you can ask for a detailed outsourcing cost breakdown of various outsourcing models and identify what’s more commercially viable.

Are you looking to outsource your IT functions? Partner with Techcedence. We are an IT outsourcing company of global repute and track record. While offering end-to-end IT outsourcing, we can also help you with consulting solutions that enable you to make informed and commercially more beneficial outsourcing decisions. Please write to us at Our experts will connect with you to take things ahead.

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Why Hire a Dedicated Development Team Rather Than Freelancers?

Many companies consider working with freelancers as they find operating more flexible and cost-effective. Of course, individual experiences and project needs matter and vary. But usually, working with freelancers poses many challenges that might not be visible initially and surface only when the project progresses.

So, what is the solution? Given the various challenges (which we will shortly see), hiring a dedicated development team is! We respect every freelancer’s skill and capacity. But what matters to companies is their investment and returns on it. In the long run, achieving them is more likely to be possible with a dedicated workforce. 

So, here are seven reasons why you must hire a dedicated development team and why doing so is a prudent idea, especially when you eye the bigger picture.

7 Reasons Partnering with a Dedicated App Development Team is More Beneficial than Working with Freelancers

Hiring a dedicated app development workforce is more advantageous than working with freelancers in the following seven ways.

1. Versatile Expertise Packed in a Single Team

The most tangible difference between working with a freelancer/s and a dedicated workforce is the availability of versatile talent. It isn’t that freelancers aren’t skilled. But to leverage diverse talent, you must handpick multiple freelancers from various sources. This could incur time, resources, and energy. But when it comes to the quick and ready availability of diverse talent, working with a dedicated team helps. You would have various skills in a single team, ready at your disposal.

2. Simplified and Quick Communication

Working with various freelancers can complicate communication. Not every freelancer will have the communication channels you use and necessarily abide by your communication protocols. This could hamper communication royally, create silos, and affect deliverables. Besides, following up with each freelancer will drain much of your productive bandwidth, thus distracting you from your key deliverables!

Here, working with a dedicated workforce belonging to a trustworthy app development company can help. The team follows a uniform communication protocol and adheres to the reporting schedules, thus enabling quick, seamless, and transparent communication across the hierarchy and project stages.

3. Better Credibility and Accountability

Finding skilled freelancers might not be as difficult. But as a single-person team, how do you gauge their market credibility? Besides, what about accountability? How do you hold an individual, especially a remote working one, accountable for their errors or acts of non-compliance? Dealing with such situations could become very challenging, especially if the person suddenly disappears from the radar!

But these challenges aren’t as much concern while working with dedicated teams, especially those provided by credible, serious, and accountable app development companies. You can get into proper legal contracts and agreements and set SLAs, adhering to which, without any deviations, will be binding for the team. You would always have a redressal authority with whom you can take up a particular concern. 

4. Authentic Technology Access and Data Security

Developing enterprise-level software demands licensed access to various technologies used during the app development process. But licensed access and versions come with a massive cost associated with them.

Freelancers cannot necessarily afford to invest as much money as much work as individuals by gathering various other freelancers. Given this, you should only opt for dedicated teams working in a formal organizational setup. However, you must not forget to verify whether the company genuinely has licensed versions and access to the required technologies. It will help avoid quality and compliance issues.

In addition, data security could be another concern while working with freelancers. You cannot expect them to have tight security measures or fences to keep security threats at bay. Most will, at the most, have a general anti-virus, the effectiveness of which will have to be gauged per the project’s needs. 

But working with an app development company that offers dedicated developers offers a solution. Such companies have robust security measures and protocols that strictly monitor data flows and help keep attackers at bay. Thus, as the client, you remain relieved of your data’s security. Nevertheless, a stringent evaluation of the company’s security measures is imperative in this case as well.

5. A Solid Supervisory Authority

Freelancer, the word itself indicates that the individual isn’t employed anywhere. Hence, they wouldn’t have supervisory authority to monitor their work and conduct. Thus, freelancers are independent and self-managed!

While this is a plus for any freelancer, it could become a challenge for the client company, as it will not have a superior authority to talk to if the need arises. In situations like these, the company will either have to stop working with the freelancer or be at their virtue to resolve problems, if any.

However, while working with dedicated teams, you will have project managers and the higher management team to address issues, if any. You will not be left alone to handle things on your own. The project team would have organized workflows and a proper escalation matrix that will contribute to supervised and controlled project operations.

6. Quicker Team Up and Down Scaling

Having a freelancing team at your disposal cannot let you have the quick scaling advantage. If you have to scale up your team, you will have to search for freelancers yourself and onboard them. But that’s not the case when you hire a dedicated development team that belong to reputed app development companies. The latter have quick and extensive access to various resource pools from where they can hire developers, testers, etc., and have them on the floor for production.

7. Certain Availability

In the case of freelancers, while some are full-time, some take up projects after office hours to earn extra income. But availability could be a problem with both.

Full-time freelancers may have other projects as well to handle. On the other hand, part-time freelancers may be available only after office hours. The latter will start working when they reach home. But by the time they start working, you will have already called the day. Thus, you will have to dedicate a person from your team to coordinate with the freelancer or handle their concerns, queries, and updates the next day. This could slow down the project’s progress!

Thus, you may go for freelancers only if your project requirement isn’t as crucial or you have enough time on hand to complete it.

For time-sensitive, complex projects with high stakes, you must work with a team of developers dedicatedly to working on your project. They will work in tandem with your team, perhaps, operate beyond your working hours (as needed), and offer a certain availability, where you will not have to deal with unanswered or disconnected calls or call back later messages!

With seven convincing reasons to hire a dedicated development team, you now know which way to go. Choose Techcedence! We are a team of diverse and talented app developers committed to delivering results and excellence. 

Our extensive expertise, experience, technology access, and flexible scaling make us a distinguished and commendable development team. In addition, our proven successful track record and ability to effortlessly deliver the most complex projects contribute to our credibility and trustworthiness in the market. 

Email us at and partner with us for seamless app development, timely project completion, and higher returns on investment.

Outsourcing and Offshoring

Pros and Cons of Offshoring

As an entrepreneur, you must have heard about offshoring. It involves relocating a company’s operations fully or partially to a foreign country. The most obvious benefits business owners expect from offshoring are reduced operational costs and increased profitability. And many companies have been successful at it! 

However, as someone eyeing offshoring, you must remember that offshoring is a strategic decision that involves a considerable investment. Hence, while focusing on benefits, you must also be cognizant of its cons or challenges. Knowing the pros and cons can help you optimize the benefits and mitigate the risks that offshoring could pose. Here’s a blog that talks about both.

4 Pros of Offshoring

Let’s start with the pros of offshoring and then proceed also to review its cons.

1. Considerable Cost Savings

As indicated earlier, this is the most significant benefit. Companies that plan every aspect of offshoring and partner with a reliable offshoring company save money and simultaneously augment their profits.

Usually, it is developed countries like the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, France, Germany, etc., that offshore their operations to developing countries. 

But the country of operations undoubtedly matters. It usually includes India, China, or the Philippines. These countries have relatively less expensive labor. In addition, the operational costs also are comparatively less there.

Per experts, offshoring your operations, for instance, software development can result in about 15-20 percent cost savings. The percentage could mean millions for companies with a significant business volume. 

2. 24/7 Operations

Offshoring proves to be a prudent idea for companies, for 24/7 operations aren’t feasible on their native soil. For instance, a US company offshoring customer support to a firm in India can reap the 24/7 operations advantage without engaging any local resources for it. Thus, with the required training and infrastructure, companies can provide round-the-clock services to their clients. 

3. Broadened Access to Expertise

Offshoring to a foreign country allows companies to leverage access to a broader range of talent – precisely skills absent or very expensive in their country. 

When it comes to IT offshoring, countries like India prove to be very useful. They have abundant skills available across the IT domain. It includes developers, testers, project managers, consultants, cybersecurity experts, and many more. 

While it isn’t that developed countries, do not have experts in these areas. They come at a relatively high cost tethered to them. These costs could collectively add to the project’s cost and affect profitability. 

In addition, offshoring provides a higher degree of flexibility and scalability. Working entirely with in-house resources doesn’t offer that advantage. Screening, hiring, interviewing and onboarding are arduous tasks that could pressurize companies, given project exigencies.

4. Focus on Core Business

This is very obvious. Companies that do not have expertise in a particular area might struggle with every aspect of it. But offshoring allows them to stay relieved about the operational aspect. They can focus on their expertise and the things at which they are the best.

4 Cons of Offshoring

Let’s now look at the flip side of the coin. Knowing a few challenges of offshoring can help you prepare and plan for them. Here are four of them.

1. Cultural and Language Barriers

This could be the first roadblock to seamless offshore operations. While language is one challenge, cultural differences could quickly escalate if not addressed proactively. Thus, it is imperative for both parties to understand each other’s culture.

Thanks to globalization. Things aren’t as complicated these days. People have the internet to study each other’s culture and language. Many companies send their employees to the client’s country to learn about operations and the client’s culture to avoid unnecessary conflicts. 

Virtual learning has further simplified communication. The entire team can attend virtual sessions and learn about cultural aspects and nuances from the client.

2. Reduced Operational Control

Another significant potential disadvantage of offshoring is reduced operational control. We say it is potential because it isn’t the case with every offshoring project. Some amount of control (routine decisions and operations) surely remains with the vendor company. But yet, clients can still prepare agreements that allow them to pull the strings and drive the project.

Thus, it all depends on the contractual terms and conditions. In most cases, clients retain maximum control to steer the operations based on their needs.

3. Jobs Exported to Other Countries

Many consider offshoring detrimental to a particular country’s jobs. The larger the operations, the higher the number of jobs exported. While it is beneficial for companies within their context, a greater number of companies doing it can significantly affect the country’s employment landscape.

4. Payroll Complications

Payroll is a complex aspect to deal with, no matter the country involved. When you offshore operations to another country, you introduce a wholly new set of payroll laws, rules, and regulations into the picture. Not having the right offshoring vendor can make things even more complicated and lead to pecuniary repercussions in the form of fines. Let alone the loss of reputation!

Are you looking to offshore software development in India? Consider Techcedence. We are an experienced technology partner with the resources, expertise, and experience handling offshore IT projects for various countries worldwide. Our consultants provide their strategic know-how and help you plan the offshoring operations to minimize risks and help you achieve a higher return on investment. Please write to us at to know more.


Offshoring and its benefits

Offshoring is not a new concept; in fact companies around the world have been using it for many years. However, the growth of the Internet and the advancement in technology has made offshoring a more accessible and suitable option for business owners.

Offshoring helps increase a business’s output, improving the technical expertise, without any stress, hassle, or added cost.

What are the real business benefits of offshoring? And why are companies using offshoring you wonder? Well… here are some of the major benefits of offshoring:

Access to Skilled resources in a Cost Effective way

Finding highly skilled resources can be quite a task especially in developed countries, given the increasing cost of living. With offshoring you can recruit skilled resources in a cost effective manner. 

Reduced Risk

Having teams in different countries helps reduce your risk, provide a better marketing opportunity and also allows you to support your clients when they need it.

Continuous Business Operations

Your company can work around the clock, regardless of time zone differences if you have an offshoring partner or service provider. This in turn will help you deliver better service to your customers and also increase your client satisfaction.


If you are someone who does not want to relinquish control of your operations to an external party, then offshoring is what you should be going for. It allows you to have dedicated and skilled resources that work for your company. You can get everything done the way you want it to.

Reach New Overseas Markets

When you have an offshore team in another country, you can explore new markets in different locations.

Your offshore resource can offer a better understanding of their markets, trends, and risks that you may not be aware of and help you identify profitable destinations where you can carry out your business.

Offshoring provides several benefits that can drive your business growth, and by taking advantage of all the benefits that offshoring has to offer, you can successfully build your business into a profitable one. Now that you’re aware of the key offshoring benefits, take that much needed step towards it.